I think that this documentary will be about teaching kids to eat healthy instead of fatty.
What do you think the title implies or indicates about the film?
I think this title implies that people should eat with a fork (healthy foods)
instead of a Knives (Fatty foods).
- 460 thousand people die from heart illness.
- 1/4 four year old's are obese
- 15 hundred people die from cancer
- Let food be thy medicine
- Fatty food intakes have doubled in very little time!
- Liver Cancer is usually found in adults
- Breast Cancer in the U.S is very high!
- Prostate Cancer in Japan kills 18 people in a year, but in the U.S, 14,000!
- In Norway, when the Germans attacked Norway, people actually got healthier than before,when they stole Norway farm animals, and were practically forced to eat healthier.
- Bad Cholesterol is mostly found in egg and animals.
- We learned that animal protein was really good at turning off cancer.
- As fast food got more popular and bigger, so did cancer.
- As people continued to eat fast food and fatty unhealthy foods, the next generation got fatter and unhealthier.
- When a person gets Diabetes, they take pills everyday for the rest of their lives, and they get horrible side effects!
- 20% Protein causes cancer, change that to 5% and cancer decreases.
- Cancer can be increased by what we put into our bodies.
- Only a small percentage of death by cancer was due to genes, however, it changes if we eat animal protein and increases!
- High Fructose Corn Syrup is a ingredient that sweetens food, even though it's very unhealthy.
- Food effects our bodies by causing our bodies to think that we need more food, even though we don't!
- People who eat whole food plant diet are way healthier!
- In China, people were studying and researching cancer, and very little places in the area around China.
- Anthony Yen who was born and raised in China came to the U.S and discovered that people in the U.S eat WAY too much meat than in China, and had severe chest pains ans 5 Bi-pass surgery.
- Plants = Better for body! Animal meat = Bad for body!
Great note-taking!